Schedule an Award-Winning Auntie Litter Program For Your School!

Download Auntie Litter Brochure

The program includes songs and visual aids that make the Auntie Litter approach to learning about the environment fun, interactive and memorable! Auntie Litter’s culturally diverse program meets the Standards of Learning for Alabama Public Schools. This organization’s message has reached over 1 million children since 1990. Auntie Litter wants “to do for the environment what Uncle Sam has done for patriotism.” If you would like to schedule an Auntie Litter program for your school in Alabama or would like to know how you can implement the Auntie Litter program in your community, give us a call or send us an e-mail.

Close up of Educators -left to right,
Betty Stahl of Montgomery, AL
Sue Barton of Prattville, AL
Lousie Spurlock of Mobile, AL
Pat Mitchell of Birmingham, AL-“the original”

Your Students Will Learn:

  • about the dangers posed to the environmenthow to eliminate litter, conserve our natural resources, and practice the environmental 3 R’s:Reuse Reduce Waste, and Recycle.
  • what they can do to protect the environment.



To schedule an Auntie Litter Educator to speak at your upcoming event, make an appearance or present an award-winning environmental program to Pre-K – 6th Grade students.

Please download our Appearance Request Form and return via e-mail to [email protected], or fax to 205-879-3049.

Appearance Request Form


Do you have a strong passion for protecting our environment and educating the children? If so, Auntie Litter has a need for Educators statewide! If you’re interested in applying, please download our Auntie Litter Educator Application and return via e-mail to [email protected] to begin the review process.

Download Educator Application Form